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AYUSKHEMA, which focuses on the growth and development of AYUSH systems has come up with conducting the short term courses on Yoga with a view to impart classical, traditional and true knowledge of Yoga to the students.
Foundation Course in Yoga
The objective of this course is to introduce Yoga to the beginners, with basic philosophy and practices of Yoga.
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Certificate Course in Yoga Science
After completing the Foundation course, those who want to pursue the Yoga profession further, for such people the Certificate course has been designed.
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The Ayukshema is a platform for overall information, services, professionals and dissemination of Traditional Medicines of India and also the popular medicinal practices which are prevalent in India. Ayukshema provides an interfacing facility both for the professionals and the public, so that right advice will reach to the required needy people. In near future, Ayukshema will come with Yoga, Naturopathy, Ayurveda and other Indian systems Centres/ Hospitals in different parts of the country. It will involve in multifarious activities related to promotion of these systems, besides providing better health care facilities to the people through these traditional systems.
The Ayukshema is a platform for overall information, services, professionals and dissemination of Traditional Medicines of India and also the popular medicinal practices which are prevalent in India. Ayukshema provides an interfacing facility both for the professionals and the public, so that right advice will reach to the required needy people. In near future, Ayukshema will come with Yoga, Naturopathy, Ayurveda and other Indian systems Centres/ Hospitals in different parts of the country. It will involve in multifarious activities related to promotion of these systems, besides providing better health care facilities to the people through these traditional systems.